How to Extend The Life Of Your Carpet or Rug.

We at “miras carpets” know that you will enjoy it for years to come. Area rugs are one of the easiest ways to freshen the look, color and style of your home. Like any investment, a rug must be properly taken care of if it is to last. Following are tips for extending rug life.
All rugs are handmade by skilled artisans, or in a specialty manufacturing facility, and are checked to meet quality standards before shipment. The following seven simple facts will help you to understand your rug and prolong its life.
No two rugs are the same. Slight color variations are common for handmade rugs, as dye lots may change over a period of time.
Odors are caused by dyes, yarns and shipping for long distances in sealed wrap. Most odors dissipate within a week once the rug is removed from the shipping wrap.
All wool rugs will shed. Shedding will subside over time, depending on traffic and wear. It typically takes 20-25 vacuums, at a minimum, to curtail shedding. Some will shed for the lifetime of the rug.
If exposed to direct sunlight, rug colors typically fade over time, even if they are fade resistant.
If your rug has been rolled or folded for shipping, it may include creases. Creases should disappear within a week or two when the rug is laid out flat. Reverse rolling the rug overnight will help.
As a general rule, rugs of all materials and constructions should be rotated every 3-6 months to balance color and evenly distribute wear.
- pile. Do not pull the fibre out, as this can cause a deterioration of the backing.
- If your rug has been rolled or folded for shipping, it may include creases. Creases should disappear within a week or two when the rug is laid out flat. Reverse rolling the rug overnight will help.
- Odors are caused by dyes, yarns and shipping for long distances in sealed wrap. Most Odors dissipate within a week once the rug is removed from the shipping wrap.
- If exposed to direct sunlight, rug colors typically fade overtime, even if they are fade resistant.
- As a general rule, rugsof all materials and constructions should be rotated every 3-6 months to balance color and evenly distribute wear.
How to Vacuum Your Rug
- Canister vacuums without beater bars are the optimal type of vacuum to use on rugs, Broomsand manual sweepers are also a gentle and effective way to clean rugs.
- Many of today’s upright vacuums are super high powered. The high suction can pull out the threads from the back of a rug and cause “sprouts.” Use the hand heldattachment to vacuum your area rug, whenever possible.
- If you choose not to(or unable to use) the hand-held attachment on your upright vacuum, make sure to turn out vacuumsbeater bar, as it can pull fibers from the face of the rug and cause the rug to fuzz, if the beater bar cannot be turned off, set it on the highest position possible before vacuuming, Then, carefully place the vacuum on the rug.
- If the rug has serged(finished) edges, refrain from continuously running the vacuum over edges, as this will loosen fibers around the edges and cause them to deteriorate.
- Avoid running the vacuum over the fringes at the ends of the rug, as fraying may occur. Use the hand-held attachment to clean the fringes.
- If a rug is reversible, make sure to vacuum both sides. This will remove grit and grime that can prematurely wear out your rug.
How to Clean Your Rug
- Clean spills immediately, once a stain is set, it becomes much more difficult to clean, the rug with a Fabric Stain remover & can help eliminate many stubborn stains.
- For wool rugs, use lukewarm water to remove any residual stain, as wool is more prone to bleeding and staining thensynthetic fibers.
- Never rub a spill, as this forces the spill deeper into the rug. Instead, blot the stain with a clean white cloth.
- Always use clean water to remove any residual cleaner, and dry towels to absorb any remaining moisture.
Special Cleaning Guidelines
Wool Rugs
- With a dry cotton towel or white paper towel, blot out stain as much as possible.
- Scrape off any food or debris with a dull instrument.
- Mix a very small amount of dish soap with a cup of call water. With a clean sponge and soap mix(avoid using excessive water), gently remove remainder of the stain and then blot the area with a dry towel.
- Avoid excessive heat or agitation, as wool rugs are more prone to bleeding and staining than synthetic rugs. We recommend using a professional rug cleaner on an annual basis.
Synthetic Fiber Rugs(Olefin | Polypropylene | Nylon)
- With a dry cotton towel or white paper towel, blot out stain as mucas possible.
- Scrape off any food or debris with a dull instrument.
- Mix a very small amount of dish soap with a cup of cold water. With a clean sponge and soap mix, remove the remainder of stain and then blot the are awith a dry towel.
Indoor / Outdoor Rugs
- With a dry cotton towel or white paper towel, blot out stain as much as possible
- Scrape off any food or debris with a dull instrument.
- Mix a very small amount of dish soap with a cup of cold water. With a clean sponge and soap mix, remove remainderof the stain. Allow the area to dry.
- For all overcleaning, spray with a mixture of soap and water and rinse with a garden hose.
Natural Fiber Rugs (Jute | Hemp | Coir | Sisal)
- Natural Fiber rugs inherently have loose fibers and knots. Regurarly vacuum rug on low power setting, making sure to vacummfrom different angles.
- Loose threads on the face of the rug should be trimmed with household scissors. To avoid unraveling or damaging the rug, threads on rugsface should never be pulled.
- Spills should be gently blotted with a clean, undyed cloth to absorb as much off the spill as possible and prevent spreading. Work from the outer edges of the spill towards the center. If applying cleaning solvents, test on a small area first. For stubborn stains, use a professional cleaning services that specializesin wool rugs. Do not dry clean, as strong cleaning chemicals may damage or fade the rug.
Shag Rugs
- Spray Extraction, along with use of a wool-approvedproduct, can be used to clean shag rugs.
- Shedding is normal for wool products and decreases over time. Do not pull yarnout, as this may result in damage to the rug.
- Canister vacuums without a beater bar are most effective in cleaning Shag Rugs. Vacuums with beater bars and/or brushes, or those set too low, may abrade the face of the rug.
We realize that not all things are perfect all of the time. In the event of an actual manufacturer’s defect, we require your assistance in processing your claim.
- Take a photo of the defect and mail or email it to the store manager.
- Our sales consultant will make arrangements for you.
- Report the defect immediately to the Store.